Tuesday, February 7, 2012

3-2-1 Reno here we come!

The preparations are over, the bins are packed and it's time once again for BSU CM students to head off to the ASC Reno student competition.  Last year we had Erin 'the mighty' Ryan as our official blogger, this year it's me.  So, lower your expectations!!!  I'll be bringing you highlights and new of our 3 days in Reno.

Here's our Marine Team doing a practice presentation to other CM team members.  In this scenario, the team is an estimating group explaining and justifying their project estimate, schedule, means and methods along with safety and environmental concerns to a group of executives from the same company. 

Advanced Party Departing Boise for Reno.  This year we are sending members our teams and Professor Wendy Wendrowski to the beautiful Nugget Hotel in Reno a day early.  The hope is that the room setup and other logistics will be more efficient.  Plus, when the bus arrives tomorrow, the move in of 56 more students and faculty will be SMOOTH.

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